Can you complete online payment without internet? Learn about digital renminbi

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Can you complete online payment without internet? Learn about digital renminbi

Zhejiang Online, April 8 (Editor Li Xinyi)

On April 7, WeChat Pay has fully opened its support for digital renminbi in all pilot areas. After users open the WeBank (WeChat Pay) digital RMB wallet with their real name, they can use the digital RMB App or WeChat to make payments. Zhejiang online editors learned that the central bank announced that the six cities in Zhejiang Province that will host the Asian Games, namely Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, and Huzhou, have officially joined the digital renminbi circle of friends and become digital renminbi pilot cities. So how much do you know about digital yuan?

  Electronic Chinese Yuan

  The digital renminbi is not a new currency, but a digital form of legal tender issued by the People's Bank of China, which is equivalent to the familiar banknotes and coins. In layman's terms, it is the electronic version of the RMB. It is operated by designated operating agencies and is equivalent to physical RMB, which has the characteristics of value and legal compensation.

  Pay without internet support

  Digital RMB is fundamentally different from third-party payments such as Alipay and WeChat Pay. We can understand that digital RMB is money, and Alipay and WeChat Pay are wallets; Alipay and WeChat Pay can hold both bank deposit currency and digital RMB in wallets; in terms of payment experience, digital RMB also has unique advantages, digital RMB Supports dual offline payment, that is to say, even if both the payee and the payer have no network, the digital renminbi can still complete the payment function, while Alipay and WeChat payment require network support.

  Simple to handle and use

  There are only three steps to apply for digital renminbi: the first step is to download the "Digital RMB APP"; the second step is to open a digital wallet and select the operating agency of the service; the third step is to perform real-name authentication and bind a bank card, and then recharge. After completing the above steps, the personal digital wallet is opened, you can pay by sliding down, and you can receive payment by sliding up. Consumers can also pay by swiping, swiping and tapping on the top right of the APP. In addition, digital RMB also supports online payment, which can be used by opening the merchant [sub-wallet] function on the APP. At present, dozens of merchants such as Meituan,, Tmall Supermarket, and have settled in.

  Of course, you can also go to a bank outlet for registration and exchange, and the outlets of ICBC, ABC, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of Communications, Postal Savings Bank, and China Merchants Bank can handle it. In addition, MYbank and WeBank also support digital RMB business.

  It has the advantages of being difficult to counterfeit

  Digital renminbi has the same legal status and economic value as physical renminbi, and is an asset with the highest security level. There are many benefits of using digital renminbi. For example, there is no handling fee when digital renminbi is exchanged with deposits and banknotes, while third-party payment usually requires a certain handling fee when withdrawing cash; the issuance of digital renminbi does not require money printing paper, ink, etc. , the issuance cost can be reduced, and there will be no counterfeit currency and RMB damage; digital RMB relies on blockchain technology, which can be traced back after fraud occurs, which is of great help in combating illegal crimes; from a broader perspective , the digital renminbi is more convenient in the field of settlement and clearing of international transactions, which is conducive to the renminbi to go global.

  (Comprehensive from Xinhua News Agency, the official website of the People's Bank of China, Zhejiang News Channel, and Zhejiang News Client)

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